Special Melted Products Ltd.
President Way
Sheffield S4 7UR
United Kingdom
Special Melted Products Ltd. will:
- identify hazards, risks, and opportunities, implement the identified control measures, and ensure that safe working procedures are applied in relation to our activities including emergency response procedures.
- comply with applicable legal and other requirements to which the organisation subscribes that relate to health and safety.
- provide first aid equipment and trained personnel to provide treatment in the case of accident or ill-health to employees or visitors to our premises.
- be prepared for foreseeable emergency situations and medical emergencies, and investigate incidents including injury or ill health, damage to plant and equipment, and near misses.
- provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment including safe access arrangements and suitable welfare facilities as well as safe egress especially in the event of an emergency.
- provide information, instruction, training, and supervision to enable employees to perform their work safely.
- promote a positive health and safety culture within the organisation and consult with employees on health and safety matters, through trade union-appointed health and safety representatives, representatives of employee safety, and directly at other forums.
- commit to prevention of injury and ill health, and other incidents, and continual improvement in occupational health and safety management and performance.
- promote a positive mental health culture and provide support and assistance to those who need it.
- ensure safety and the absence of risks to health in connection with the storage, handling, use and transport of articles and substances including those that may be hazardous to health or that are flammable.
- ensure that all work equipment is suitable for purpose and properly maintained, serviced and inspected.
- make available all necessary safety devices and protective equipment and supervise their use, including the free supply of personal protective equipment needed by employees.
- take steps to assess the health and safety arrangements and competence of any contractor we engage and ensure that information is exchanged on matters relevant to health and safety.
- provide health surveillance to employees where necessary to fulfill legal and other requirements.
- set and monitor health and safety objectives and targets relating to.
- reducing injuries.
- conducting investigations into health and safety incidents.
- providing training to employees.
- conducting return to work interviews and refresher training following periods of employee absence.